Yeah JJOEY, i know, being from California and living now in New Mexico, i know legals, illegals, naturalizeds, ones in the process, etc etc, yes they are all mostly good people, but is it killing our economy further...? yes...
In the 90's governor Pete Wilson (CA) made a ballot proposition, prop. 187 which was voted on and passes, it basically made it to where illegals were being stripped of the use of public schools, hospitals , and all kinds of programs and emnities that were sucking tons of money out of the system.
why? because with all the benefits being used by non-tax payers it couldnt sustain, and was a ticking time bomb........
The prop. was labelled racist, though it passed, it was protested, and overturned, exit Pete Wilson "the racist"...
It was not a racial bias, it was an economic decision, had it gone into affect, it would have effected many good friends of mine, would that have sucked for them, no doubt, would it have hurt me to see it? hell yes..... But here we are almost 20 years later and look at the state of california.........
I dont know the answers, but the way things are, is not working....... And just making them legal is a threat to national security, and will open the doors to all kinds of other problems, you may as well just tear down the borders all together.... Obama probably wants that anyways.. He probably wants a clone of the European Union.....
But trying to stop a very real problem, by enforcing a law, is only racist when convienent to the opposition... This has more to do with a power struggle for the opposition, than it does for them actually caring about people, other than their votes...... - poem
fly bird
where are you?
your best friend